More than 30 years experience
Individual Adolescent & Adult Psychotherapy
Couples Therapy
Family Therapy
Rooms in Constantia, Cape Town
Skype Sessions Across South Africa
As I have aged and matured and not only weathered the complex and sometimes chaotic transitions in my own life, but also walked alongside many others going through theirs, I have come to greatly appreciate the uncertainty and unpredictability of life…
With a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology (1987) from the University of Stellenbosch, I started my professional career in psychology at Lentegeur Psychiatric Hospital in Mitchell’s Plain. I spent eight years as the psychologist managing the Child and Family unit …
I have been an educator at The South African College of Applied Psychology (SACAP) SACAP since May 2010 and thoroughly enjoy facilitating the awakening of young (and older) minds to the fascinating world of psychology and self-knowledge…
Welcome to my website, you have made a significant step forward by simply logging on. It takes courage to admit that we have lost our way and it’s a challenge to find the space and relationship that may suit your specific individual need. This could be the beginning of a significant journey towards rediscovering yourself, shifting perspective and gaining a deeper insight towards creating meaning in your life. To become aware of how your conceptual understanding of the world creates suffering.
On this website I would like to share some of my ideas and areas of interest with you. Hopefully it will demonstrate how my experience and expertise can be of benefit in your life.